at the end of the retrograde
Joe Rap’s second collection of poetry on
Love, loss, trauma, addiction, and recovery.
Joe Rap’s second collection goes where few have gone before, an undeniably brave journey into unexplored lands. There is so much power in this collection, it’s impossible to deny this incredible talent. Retrograde is the journey of a lifetime.
— Amazon 5-Star Reviews
Your thoughts have led you here again, haven’t they?
Your thoughts have led you here again, haven’t they? ∞
and so I spun into the void, the place where the past collides with whatever remains.
and so I spun into the void, the place where the past collides with whatever remains. ∞
at the end of the retrograde we find that we will walk with all the world.
at the end of the retrograde we find that we will walk with all the world. ∞

I could not stop reading from the moment I picked it up. This is one retrograde that I never wanted to end.
Amazon 5-Star Reviews
There are few collections of poetry that have ever made me feel quite as profoundly as [Rap] does in Retrograde. Highly evocative and the most meaningful collection of written poetry that has been published in a very long time. I cannot wait to see what this artist does next with his incredible talent.
Rap tells a story across so many mediums, it's hard to comprehend how so much can be fit into one collection. From images, to poetry, to the curation, and chapter design itself, I found myself being pulled in exactly the way [Rap] intended.
Amazon 5-Star Reviews